BBQ Suya Goat Kebabs

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  • 450 g higher- boneless leg of child goat diced
  • 1 large red onion
  • 1-2 red green or yellow peppers (blended shadings if conceivable)
  • groundnut or vegetable oil
  • a couple of branches of new coriander

Flavor RUB

  • 125 g cooked peanuts
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 5 cm piece of ginger
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper or red stew drops for additional heat
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 2 tablespoons groundnut or vegetable oil


  • Utilize a pestle and mortar to pound the peanuts, keeping them genuinely coarse.
  • Holding a little modest bunch to serve, place the nuts in a large bowl.
  • Strip and mesh in the garlic and ginger (keep the ginger skin on the off chance that natural), mix in the leftover flavor rub ingredients alongside 1 touch of ocean salt and 1 teaspoon of coarse black pepper.
  • Add the diced goat and back rub the rub thoroughly into the meat.
  • Strip and quarter the red onion, at that point deseed and cut the peppers into pieces.
  • String the onion, peppers and goat onto your sticks.
  • As could be, the more you can leave your meat to marinate the better it will be, so on the off chance that you have time, leave the sticks in the refrigerator for at any rate 1 to 2 hours, or ideally overnight.
  • .
  • Remove the sticks from the cooler and sit at room temperature for a couple of moments while you get the barbecue or frying pan dish hot.
  • Treat the meat with a little oil, ocean salt and black pepper prior to putting it under the barbecue or on the iron – it should sizzle yet don’t move it!
  • Turn just at regular intervals, until each side is burned through (for medium-uncommon) or like clockwork on each side for very much done.
  • Permit to rest for 2 minutes, at that point dissipate over the saved peanuts and a little spot of bean stew powder.
  • Tear over the coriander leaves, at that point present with a new occasional serving of mixed greens.
  • Blast!
  • Summer flavor in your mouth!
  • I’m using diced kid goat since its gamey delicacy is wonderful with suya and my uncle Ernest loves it – this recipe is really straightforward and delicious as damnation.
  • Throughout the late spring, stick it on the grill or enjoy it lasting through the year using an iron dish or flame broil.
Recipe Category Barbecue / Goat
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