Ginger-chicken meatballs in broth with greens

This is a good supper: uplifting, light, energizing and head-clearing. Add other vegetables – spinach, broccoli, thin slices of mushroom, edamame beans – to the pak choi, or use them instead of it. Minced turkey also works if you can’t get minced chicken. And yes, minced chicken is not leftovers, I do realize that. But this dish earns its place in this chapter because it uses stock, made from the remains of your Sunday roast.
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  • 500 g 1lb 2oz minced chicken
  • 2 garlic cloves finely grated
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 cm ¾in root ginger, peeled and finely grated, plus 2 slices, each the thickness of a pound coin
  • 4 spring onions finely chopped
  • salt and pepper
  • 1.2 litres 2 pints chicken stock
  • 1 red chilli halved, deseeded and finely chopped, plus more to serve (optional)
  • 2 tbsp rapeseed or groundnut oil or any other oil you prefer
  • 2 heads of pak choi leaves separated and halved lengthways
  • juice of 1 lime


  • Using your hands, mix together the chicken, garlic, soy sauce, grated ginger and half the spring onions.
  • Season.
  • Wet your hands and shape the mixture into little balls each about the size of a walnut in its shell.
  • If you have time to chill these, so much the better as they’ll be easier to work with.
  • Put them on a baking sheet, cover with cling film and put in the fridge for 30 minutes.
  • Bring the chicken stock to the boil and add the slices of ginger and half the chilli.
  • Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Take off the heat (this is just to flavour the broth with ginger).
  • Heat the oil in a medium-large frying pan and cook the meatballs in two batches, turning them over to make sure they get colour all over.
  • It will take about 10 minutes.
  • Transfer to a plate using a slotted spoon.
  • If there is any fat in the pan, pour it out, but don’t wash the pan.
  • Add the stock to the pan and bring to the boil, scraping the base of the pan with a wooden spoon.
  • Reduce the heat, return the meatballs, then bring to a simmer and cook for three minutes.
  • Add the bok choi and the rest of the chilli and cook for another three minutes.
  • The meatballs should be cooked through and the bok choi tender.
  • Fish out the slices of ginger.
  • Add the lime juice and remaining spring onions, taste for seasoning and serve, sprinkled with more chilli if you like.
Recipe Category Broth / Chicken
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