Blueberry Sauce

Sort and wash the blueberries, then purée them with the confectioner’s sugar. Pass through a fine sieve and flavor with crème de cassis and blueberry liqueur.
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  • 18 oz 500 g Blueberries
  • cups 160 g Confectioner’s sugar
  • 3 tbsp 4 cl Crème de cassis (redcurrant liqueur)
  • 3 tbsp 4 cl Blueberry liqueur


  • A Berry like Red Wine
  • This fruit of a low bush in the Vaccinium family contains a high amount of tannins and is therefore used as a home remedy against diarrhea and bleeding gums.
  • St. Hildegard von Bingen treasured this very useful berry and created a powder of dried red European blueberries for use against digestive trouble.
  • She wrote that this powder “looks like red wine when mixed with water, and is lovely for quenching your thirst.
Recipe Category Fruit / Sauce
Country Austria / European
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