Chocolate Soufflés from Anta Cook

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  • 4 medium eggs separated
  • 2 tsp plain flour
  • 4 tbs strong black coffee ie expresso dissolve 3 tsp ground coffee in 4 tbs water
  • 100 g caster sugar
  • 150 g plain chocolate
  • 1 tbs ground almonds
  • 12 squares white chocolate


  • Preheat oven 180°C/Gas 5
  • Grease 6 ANTA Small Mugs and dust with ground almonds
  • Melt the chocolate with the coffee in a bowl over boiling water, remove from heat and allow to cool slightly, stir in the flour, egg yolks and half the sugar and set aside.
  • Whisk egg whites to a soft peak, then add the sugar and continue whisking until mixture is frim but not stiff, using a metal spoon gradually fold in the cooled chocolate mixture.
  • Fill the cups to 1.5cm /1/2 inch from the top.
  • Press 2 x squares of white chocolate to each cup of mixture before baking
  • Place the mugs into an ANTA baking dish and half fill with boiling water.
  • Bake for 20 minutes and serve in the small mugs straight from the oven

Notes / Tips / Wine Advice:

Cooks note: Stir in about a tablespoon of the egg whites into the chocolate mixture to lighten the mix, it is then easier to fold in the remaining egg whites evenly.