Christmas Cake

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  • 225 g raisins
  • 125 g prunes stoned and chopped
  • 225 g sultanas
  • 225 g currants
  • 225 g dried cranberries
  • 60 g glace cherries rinsed and chopped
  • 60 g mixed peel
  • 4 tbsp blended whisky
  • 2 oranges juice and zest
  • 275 g unsalted butter
  • 275 g light soft brown sugar
  • 5 eggs
  • 275 g plain flour
  • 1 tbsp black treacle
  • 60 g almonds chopped
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp mixed spice
  • ½ tsp nutmeg grated
  • 3 tbsp apricot jam


  • Preheat oven to 140c / Gas 1.
  • Grease and double line a 23cm loose bottomed cake tin.
  • Wrap a double layer of brown paper around the cake tin and fasten with string.
  • This prevents the cake from burning on the outside.
  • Cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
  • Gradually beat in the eggs add a tbsp of flour to prevent the mixture from curdling.
  • Mix in the treacle.
  • Sift flour with the mixed spice and nutmeg.
  • Add about two tbsp to the fruit and stir in.
  • Fold the remaining flour and spice into the egg mixture.
  • Add the fruits and chopped almonds to the cake mix and fold in.
  • Spoon into the prepared cake tin, leaving a dip in the middle.
  • Bake in the centre of the oven for 4-4 1/2 hours.
  • Check the cake after 2 hours and if it looks coloured, cover with a grease proof paper disc and continue cooking until it is firm to the touch and well coloured.
  • Check the cake is cooled by inserting a skewer into the middle of the cake.
  • This should come out clean.
  • Allow to cool in the tin.
  • When cool, wrap the cake in clean greaseproof paper and foil and store in a dry place.

Notes / Tips / Wine Advice:

If a square cake is preferred the same mixture can be made in an ANTA Baking Dish or alternatively divide between 18 Small ANTA Mugs. Remember, the small cakes will cook in half the time. They can be made as presents and easily sent to those unable to join in.
Course Cake / Dessert
Holliday Christmas