Preheat a 5- or 6-quart air fryer to 350°F for 3 minutes.
Roll out the pizza dough into a 6.
5-inch x 10.
5-inch oval on a piece of parchment paper.
Trim the parchment paper so that it is 1.
25 inches larger all around than the dough base.
Spread the pizza dough base with pizza sauce.
Top it with sliced red onion, bacon, torn pancetta, sliced chorizo, fresh mozzarella, and sliced red chili.
Alternatively, choose from the topping variations below.
Carefully pull out the air fryer pan and basket.
Using the parchment paper as an aid, lower the pizza into the basket.
Slide the pan and basket back into the appliance.
Reset the temperature to 340°F and set the timer for 15 minutes.
Cook until the pizza crust is golden and cooked through.
Serve the pizza topped with fresh basil leaves.