Microwave Polenta

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  • In deep 4-quart microwave-safe bowl or casserole, combine 2 cups low-fat (1%) milk, 1½ cups cornmeal, and 1 teaspoon salt until blended.
  • Stir in 4½ cups boiling water.
  • Cook in microwave oven on High for 12 to 15 minutes.
  • After first 5 minutes of cooking, with wire whisk, stir vigorously until smooth (mixture will be lumpy at first).
  • Stir two more times during cooking.
  • When polenta is thick and creamy, stir in 4 tablespoons butter, cut into pieces, and ½ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese.
  • Makes 8 side-dish servings.

Nutritional Information

Calories: 205 kcal
Recipe Category Microwave
Country European / Italian
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