Surprise Rhubarb Pie

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  • Shortcurst pastry
  • 150 g hard unsalted butter
  • 200 g strong plain flour
  • 3 tablespoons cold water
  • Rhubarb filling
  • 250 g fresh new pink rhubarb cut into short lengths
  • 1 piece crystallised ginger
  • 3 dessert spoons of syrup from the ginger jar


  • Preheat oven to 180° C, gas mark 4.
  • Put the flour in a large bowl.
  • Cut the butter into cubes and work quickly rubbing it into the flour until it resembles bread crumbs.
  • Add the cold water and pull it together to form a ball but handle as little as possible.
  • Roll out on a cold hard surface into a circle just larger than an ANTA pasta dish.
  • Put the rhubarb into the pasta dish and place a whole piece of ginger in the centre.
  • Spoon the syrup over the rhubarb.
  • Loosen the pastry circle and lift it onto the pasta dish to form a lid.
  • Trim the excess from the edges and roll it again and cut it into strips.
  • Place round the edge and with the back of a fork, press it down onto the rimm of the dish leaving a space between each impression.
  • Bake in the oven for 15 minutes until the pastry is golden brown.
  • Sprinkle the top with caster sugar.
  • Serve warm with ice cream as a pudding or serve cold upside down as a Tarte Tatin by placing an ANTA serving plate over the dish and quickly flipping it over.
  • The lucky one finds the whole piece of ginger in their serving!
Course Pie / Vegetables
Diets Vegan