Turkey Stuffed with Duck

One imaginative Amish woman with a large family to feed found a way to avoid the risk of serving a dry turkey to her brood. “I stuff a duck inside a turkey. That makes the turkey more moist and the duck seem less greasy. They both brown well and you can mix the two meats when you serve them!”
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  • 25 lb. turkey
  • 3 lb. duck
  • filling
  • butter
  • salt


  • Stuff the duck inside the turkey, or lay the duck beside the turkey in the roast pan if using a smaller turkey.
  • Stuff both the duck and turkey with filling.
  • Rub the turkey with butter and salt.
  • Add water to a depth of ½–1 inch.
  • Cover and bake at 350° allowing 20 minutes per pound, combined weight.
Recipe Category Duck / Turkey
Country Amish
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