Welcome to my website with the recipe collection that I have collected over the years.
Here you will find recipes for an easy evening, or just for a table full of friends.

On this moment we have 10,703 recipes online for you.

Also you can send youre recipe(s) here.

Of course there are also dishes for dietary requirements, vegetarian, gluten-free, low-carbohydrate, low-salt, Vegan, sugar-free and many more diets.

In addition, you will find countless dishes from many countries around the world.
And how about delicious slow cooker dishes.

Whether you are looking for recipes for tasty snacks, cocktails or just nice and quick with the microwave, you will find it here.

We try to be as complete as possible, of course.
But if you want to add tips, tops or tasty recipes
We’d love to hear from you.

We wish you a lot of cooking pleasure
Enjoy your meal!
Cor Kevenaar

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