It’s really important to sieve the apricot purée, otherwise you end up with an ice cream that has little bits in it. (Though don’t use a sieve with too fine a mesh, or you won’t be able to push it through.) You can also use regular plain yogurt rather than Greek stuff, it’s just slightly tarter. Don’t use low-fat yogurt, though, it sets very hard. Even with this full-fat version you need to bring it out of the freezer and let it defrost a little before serving.
Put the apricots into a saucepan with the apple juice and sugar and pour in 100ml (3½fl oz) of water.
Set over a medium heat and bring to just under the boil.
Take the pan off the heat and leave to plump up overnight (turn the fruit over every so often to make sure all sides are getting soaked).
Put the apricots and their liquid in a food processor and whizz to a purée.
You need to get it as fine as you can, so keep puréeing.
Push this through a sieve (with not too fine a mesh), pressing hard to get as much of the mixture through as possible.
You shouldn’t end up with that much left in the sieve.
Stir the apricot purée into the yogurt, completely incorporating it, then mix in the crème fraîche.
Taste for sweetness.
Pour into an ice-cream machine and churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
While it’s churning, add the honey.
If you don’t have an ice-cream machine, pour the mixture into a broad, shallow freezer-proof container and put into the freezer.
You need to break the mixture up – the easiest way is to whizz it in a food processor – three or four times during the freezing process so the ice crystals are broken down for a smooth ice cream.
Add the honey during the last time you beat the mixture.