This canning project works well in late summer as gardening begins to wind down. Chow chow does not require the youngest, tiniest vegetables, so it is a way to use the last of the season’s yield.
In some families, sisters get together for chow-chow making. That relieves the tedium of chopping and cooking the numerous vegetables that go into the most subtly flavored, variously textured, and brightly colored chow chow.
Cook each vegetable separately until tender but not mushy.
When each is finished lift out of hot water with a slotted spoon, and rinse with cold water to stop its cooking and preserve its color.
Drain, then layer into large dishpan.
Combine the sugar, vinegar, water, and spices into a 15-quart stockpot (or do half a batch at a time in an 8-quart kettle) and bring to boil.
Make sure the sugar is fully dissolved, then spoon all the vegetables (or half of them, depending upon the size of the kettle) into the syrup and boil for 5 minutes.