Maple Roasted Parsnips

Maple Roasted Parsnips

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  • 8 parsnips
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of wholegrain mustard
  • 2 tablespoons of maple syrup
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper


  • Preheat oven to 190°C, gas mark 5.
  • Roughly chop the parsnips and place in an ANTA Baking Dish, mix the maple syrup and mustard and coat thoroughly. Drizzle with olive oil and season.
  • Roast for 45 minutes until tender and golden brown.
  • Serve straight from the oven in your ANTA Baking Dish
Course Vegetables

Chocolate Yule Log

Chocolate Yule Log

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  • 100 g dried cherries
  • 100 g dried cranberries
  • 4 tbsp blended whisky
  • 175 g dark chocolate
  • 5 large eggs separated
  • 200 g caster sugar
  • 300 ml double cream
  • Pomegranate seeds to decorate


  • Preheat oven to 180°C, gas mark 4.
  • Grease a 30 x 20cm Swiss roll tin and line with greaseproof paper.
  • Place the berries in a small bowl, pour over the whisky cover and leave in a cool place overnight.
  • Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of hot water and set aside.
  • In another bowl whist the egg yolks and sugar until light and creamy.
  • Fold in the cooled chocolate.
  • In a third clean bowl, whist the egg whites until stiff.
  • Fold a tablespoon of the beaten egg white into the chocolate mixture – this helps to lighten the mixture.
  • Fold in the remaining egg white.
  • Spoon into the prepared Swiss roll tin and spread evenly.
  • Bake for about 20 mintues until the cake if firm to the touch.
  • Remove the cake from the oven and allow to cool slightly.
  • Cover the cake with a wet tea towel and leave to cool.
  • Whip the cream until it holds its shape, then fold in the berries and any liquid.
  • Lay a fresh piece of greaseproof paper on a flat surface and sprinkle with a little caster sugar.
  • Remove the cloth from the cake and turn onto the prepared paper.
  • Remove the greaseproof paper that lined the cake tin.
  • Spread the cream evenly over the cake.
  • Roll up from the long side using the greaseproof paper to help you make the turns.
  • Place on an ANTA Serving Plate.
  • Dust with icing sugar, sprinke pomegranate seeds and decorate with holly.
Course Chocolate / Dessert / Pie

Buckthorn Tarts

Buckthorn Tarts

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For the pastry:

  • 85 g hard unsalted butter
  • 175 g plain flour
  • 2 tbsp ice cold water

For the filling:

  • 400 ml full-fat milk
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 50 g caster sugar
  • grated nutmeg

For the glaze:

  • Handfull sea buckthorn berries
  • 40 g caster sugar


  • Start by making the pastry.
  • Seive the flour into an ANTA salad bowl, chop the butter in to cubes before rubbing it into the flour combining it to form light breadcrumbs. Short pastry shouldn't be handled too much so take lots of care not to over work the dough. Add the ice cold water and lightly form a ball.
  • Roll the pastry out and line your tart tins. This quantity will make 12 small tarts and 4 or 5 larger ones. Once you have done this, place the tarts in the fridge for 15 minutes then preheat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 4.
  • Once chilled, remove the tart cases and blind bake with baking beans for 10 minutes. Whilst baking start to make the custard by warming the milk in a small pan. Then in a bowl beat the egg yolks and sugar until pale and creamy. Pour the warm milk onto the egg mixture, stirring well to combine.
Course Dessert / Pie

Sticky Sprouts

Sticky Sprouts

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  • 500 g Brussel sprouts
  • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbsp honey or maple syrup
  • Salt
  • Olive oil


  • Wash the sprouts and chop the ends off.
  • Slice in half and put into a frying pan on a high heat with a good glug of olive oil.
  • Sprinkle with salt and cook until the sprouts are browning and beginning to soft – about 3-4 minutes.
  • Pour in the balsamic vinegar and add the honey.
  • Reduce for 1-2 minutes until sticky and coating the sprouts.
  • Serve immediately on an ANTA plate.

Simple Christmas Chocolate Pots

Simple Christmas Chocolate Pots

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  • Leftover chocolate cake Chocolate Roulade or Christmas Yule Log would be ideal
  • Small pot of double cream
  • Wine glass of Cherry Brandy or similar
  • 6 chocolates


  • Divide the cake between the mugs
  • Pour over the cherry brandy, dividing equally between the mugs
  • Whip the cream and put a spoonful on top of each with a chocolate to finish
Course Chocolate / Dessert
Holliday Christmas

Beetroot and Orange Salad

Beetroot and Orange Salad

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  • 6 red beetroot
  • 1 large orange
  • 80 g pistachio nuts
  • 1 tsp fennel seeds
  • 1 tsp dried marjoram
  • 1 tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 4 dried dates
  • Olive oil
  • Salt


  • Pre-heat your oven to 180°C, gas mark 4.
  • Peel the beetroot and chop into quarters.
  • Place into an ANTA Baking Dish, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt.
  • Roast for 30 minutes or until caramelised and chewy.
  • Meanwhile, segment the orange by slicing off the peel and pith.
  • Carefully slice between the casing of each segment and set aside.
  • Gently toast the pistachio nuts being very careful not to burn them.
  • Chop roughly and set aside.
  • Once the beetroot are cooked, remove from the oven and combine with the orange,dates and pistachio nuts.
  • Sprinkle over the herbs, vinegar and salt.
  • Serve in the ANTA Baking Dish.

Crispy Kale

Crispy Kale

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  • 500 g kale leaves
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • ½ lemon juiced


  • Preheat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 6.
  • Wash the kale and dry thoroughly.
  • Remove the tough stalks, chop the leaves roughly and place in a bowl.
  • In a bowl toss the kale with the olive oil, lemon juice and salt making sure that it is evenly covered and the oil is massaged into the leaves.
  • Spread onto a roasting tray and place in the oven for 15 minutes or until crispy.
  • Be careful not to roast too long as the kale can become bitter.
  • Serve as a side dish or an alternative snack to crisps.

Traditional Haggis Supper

Traditional Haggis Supper

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  • 800 g good quality haggis
  • 800 g potatoes
  • 800 g turnip
  • Milk and butter for mashing
  • Salt and pepper to season


  • Preheat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 4.
  • Place the haggis in an ANTA Salad Bowl, full of water. and place a plate over the top Cooking it this way will help prevent any bursting.
  • Cook for 45minutes per 500g.
  • Peel and dice the potatoes and turnip and cook separately until both are soft.
  • Mash the potatoes with milk, butter and seasoning.
  • Do the same with the swede but without the milk.
  • Serve the haggis on an ANTA Serving Plate or in one of our Large Cheese Domes to keep it pipping hot, and the neeps and tatties can be served in an ANTA baking dish.
Course Main Dish / Meat
Cuisine European / Scotland

Apple and Plum Nut Crumble

Apple and Plum Nut Crumble

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  • 150 g coconut oil
  • 100 g jumbo porridge oats
  • 100 g ground almonds
  • 100 g caster sugar
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 6 peeled and cored cooking apples
  • 6 plums – de-stoned


  • Preheat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 4.
  • Start by chopping the apples and plums and place in an ANTA Baking Dish.
  • Squeeze the lemon, dust with cinnamon and set aside.
  • To make the crumble mix the oats, ground almonds and sugar in a bowl.
  • Add the coconut oil and mix in, making sure it is fully combined.
  • You may have to use your hands to rub in the oil.
  • Spoon the crumble mix evenly over the apples and plums and bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes until the cumble is golden brown.
  • Serve with ice-cream or yoghurt – dairy or dairy free
Course Fruit / Pie

Slow Roasted Pork Belly with Plum Sauce

Slow Roasted Pork Belly with Plum Sauce

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  • 800 g boned pork belly with rind
  • 400 ml chicken stock
  • 250 ml water
  • 80 ml fresh orange juice
  • 55 g brown sugar
  • 4 plums cut into wedges
  • 2 clove garlic finely chopped
  • 15 g fresh ginger
  • 1 cinnamon stick crushed
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp dried chilli flakes


  • Preheat oven to 190°C, gas mark 5.
  • Place pork on a board, rind-side up and using a sharp knife, score the rind at 3cm intervals.
  • Rub the salt and oil equally into the cuts.
  • Mix the water, stock, soy sauce, sugar, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, chilli and orange juice in an ANTA baking dish.
  • Place the pork into the dish, rind-side up, and roast uncovered for 1 hour 20 minutes.
  • Increase the temperature to 220°C, gas mark 7 for 15 minutes or until the crackling is well done and crisp.
  • Remove the pork for the dish, set aside and cover to keep it warm.
  • Strain the liquid into a saucepan, skimming the fat from the surface.
  • Bring to a boil.
  • Add the plums and reduce the heat.
  • Simmer for 15 minutes uncovered or until the sauce thickens.
  • Serve on an ANTA Serving Plate, with plum sauce and side salad.
Course Meat / Pork